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*Adelphi (Online)

International Institute for Strategic Studies
Routledge for the International Institute for Strategic Studies;Routledge for the International Institute for Strategic Studies

Home Page: P.le Aldo Moro, 7 00185 Roma
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Le richieste di Document Delivery vanno indirizzate alle biblioteche di area disciplinare pertinente.
Holdings: 2010-
(Authorized users only)
Last update holding 2023

40125 Bologna , tel. 051 2094330 , fax. 051 2094324
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Le richieste di Document Delivery vanno indirizzate alle biblioteche di area disciplinare pertinente.
Holdings: 2010-
Holdings detail: 50, n. 412/413(2010)-
(Authorized users only)
Last update holding 2023

Via L. Armanni, 5 80139 Napoli , tel. 0812110843 , fax. 0812110843
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Holdings: 1997-2021;
FULL TEXTTaylor & Francis
(Authorized users only)
Last update holding 2023

00185 Roma , tel. 0644585248 , fax. 0644585250
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Holdings: 1997-
(Authorized users only)
Last update holding 2023

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Holdings 1: 1997-
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Disponibile dal 1997 volume 37 fascicolo 308.
Last update holding 2023
Holdings 2: 2018;
(Authorized users only)
Notes: Disponibile dal 2018 volume 58 fascicolo 472 al 2018 volume 58 fascicolo 477.
Last update holding 2023

Home Page: Via Duomo 6 13100 Vercelli , tel. 0321660817
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Le richieste di Document Delivery vanno indirizzate alle biblioteche di area disciplinare pertinente.
Holdings: 1997-
(Authorized users only)
Last update holding 2022
Results: 1-6